Submit reports, payments and requests to us
How to submit a scheme return or recovery plan, register a scheme, pay the levy, request a trustee appointment and update registrable information using our online service Exchange.
Scheme return
How to complete and submit a scheme return for defined contribution (DC) and defined benefit (DB) pension schemes and those offering mixed benefits (hybrid).
Exchange: online service
Log in to our online service, Exchange, and find answers to frequently asked questions.Pay the levy
What the general levy is, how much it is, how to pay by direct debit and understanding your invoice.Register a pension scheme
Information on how and when to register a pension scheme with us.
Request a trustee appointment
How to submit a request to appoint a trustee to a trust-based scheme.
Update information on the scheme register
Information that you need to keep up to date on the scheme register.Detailed guidance
Information that should be publicly available and events and breaches of the law that should be reported to us.
How to report a concern about your pension scheme such as missing contributions or fraud.