We issue penalty notices for breaches of the law such as failing to complete a scheme return or a chair’s statement. If you have received a penalty notice or invoice from us there are a variety of ways to pay.
Pay a penalty notice
You can pay your penalty using the bank details shown below. You will need your penalty notice reference for this (you can find this on the front of your notice).
You must pay by the date shown on the front of your penalty notice.
If you don’t pay the penalty we will recover any unpaid fines through legal proceedings. This may include action such as obtaining a county court judgement and instructing bailiffs.
If you choose to pay your penalty notice by bacs transfer, please send the payment to:
Sort code: 40-14-03
Account number: 92012650
Please quote your penalty notice number as the reference number for your payment. Not including the penalty notice number may result in us not being able to allocate your payment or returning the payment as unrecognised.
If you're struggling to pay your penalty notice
If you're struggling financially or are suffering with ill health, it may be possible for us to discuss and agree a payment plan for you to clear your debt. Please contact us at DebtRecovery@tpr.gov.uk or call us on 0800 169 0325 to discuss options with our Debt Recovery Team.
Please note that we use high court enforcement officers in England and Wales to collect unpaid debt. We don't use county court bailiffs. If you're unsure about any contact you've received claiming to be acting on behalf of The Pensions Regulator, please contact us and we'll be able to confirm.
If you're struggling with debt, please contact one of the free advice services offered across the UK.